“If you want to go FAST, go Alone. If you want to go FAR go Together.”
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txt revisions.txt 367 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt register.txt 841 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt recent.txt 165 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt pwconfirm.txt 425 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt password.txt 217 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt norev.txt 324 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt newpage.txt 147 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt login.txt 177 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
php lang.php 15.75 KB 04.04.23 19:21:21
js jquery.ui.datepicker.js 1.61 KB 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt index.txt 194 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt editrev.txt 208 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt edit.txt 449 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt denied.txt 156 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt conflict.txt 140 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt backlinks.txt 164 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
txt admin.txt 171 B 04.04.23 19:21:21
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'One good wish changes nothing. One good decision changes everything.'

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