“If you want to go FAST, go Alone. If you want to go FAR go Together.”
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exe Freeplane-Setup-1.7.9.exe 33.87 MB 05.08.19 12:13:49
exe Freeplane-Setup-with-Java-1.12.4u1.exe 91.04 MB 31.08.24 12:53:35
exe FreeplanePortable-1.12.4u1.paf.exe 60.03 MB 31.08.24 12:59:46
html loe_mind.html 454 B 05.08.20 14:32:06
jpg mindmap_info.jpg 26.13 KB 02.08.20 19:43:49
jpg view_Freeplane_Overview_en.jpg 65.73 KB 05.08.20 14:01:17
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'One good wish changes nothing. One good decision changes everything.'

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